Degen Pass - Basic Access

  1. We will contact you via twitter/discord and send you a discord link.

  2. Give us 72 hours for you to get your Discord Role

  3. If you sell your Llamaverse, you would lose that discord role in their server as well + all other access - we will check/update the list every 7 days with the other entity.

DegenPass is a 222 Supply Alpha Group with a strong team and very reputable members involved. DegenPas started off as a free mint and grew into a really strong community with great utility. Llamaverse has a similar strong community and we saw the opportunity for Llamaverse and DegenPass to partner up. We will be discussing the long-term benefits on both sides in this brief overview.

What will you get access to?

  • DegenPass Access to Alpha

  • DegenPass Access to All Discord Channels

  • Disclaimer: No whitelist opportunities on this version of the reward.

We will use the discord id you submitted during the purchase.

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Last updated