SkaterBirds WL

Please read below for all instructions + a brief overview of the project.


PRICE: 125 $SPIT (20 total)

10 Available at 1pm EST / 10 Available at 1am EST


Your wallet will be added to their contract.

Their Discord is closed, but we will share an invite with winners once we have all names.


An art-based project willing to deliver real-life utility by basically building a bridge between web2 & web3.

The main focus for SkaterBirds is to ensure that every owner finds a benefit in the project, even if they have different interests, to make SkaterBirds a brand, and to cooperate with web2 brands and form web3 partnerships. The artist is based in Asia/Thailand and the team behind the project is based in Europe (Austria & Germany).

  • SkaterBirdsNFT is releasing a clothing collection with SkaterBirds as a brand.

  • SkaterBirdsNFT is going to combine the team's previous physical sector experiences into the web3 vision.

  • SkaterBirdsNFT is also willing to establish the first cafe concept for the brand of SkaterBirds, where 25% of the revenue will be shared with the community.

Supply: 3,333

Mint Price:

WL Mint Date:


Website (coming soon)

Discord (closed)

Last updated