(10/25) La Meute (Blind Bid)



The top 4 bidders will get a guaranteed WL spot for La Meute.  You simply fill out the Dyno form with your $SPIT bid. Bids cannot be changed. If you are one of the top 4 bidders by the end time, you will be added to a private channel and will be required to send your stated $SPIT amount within 24 hours. If you are not one of the top bidders, you will not be charged any $SPIT.

Winners/top bids will not be shared publicly.


  • 1 big per holder. Bid cannot be changed after submission.

  • You MUST send your stated bid (if one of the top bidders) by the deadline.

  • If you don't send your bid, you will be exempt from the next blind bid. Repeated offenses will result in permanent exemption.


Winners will be added to private channels in Discord.

Upon sending your bid, you will receive a private server invite & submit your wallet in their server.


We've been building our community since April; most of them are French. Our holders will get free full-access to Wave Catchers node & NFTY Dash platform.

They'll also get access to giveaways for the best upcoming projects; for example, we've recently collaborated with Friday Beers, Degenheim, Gakkoverse, & Machina. We usually get between 20 and 50 WL per project, for only 100 members, so they have a great chance to win!

Supply: 111

Mint Date: TBD

WL Mint Price: TBD but around 0.10-0.15 ETH


Last updated