(11/5) Rumblerz (WL)

Please read the information below, which includes: total amount available in the marketplace, $SPIT cost, claiming directions, & an overview of project/reward.

100 Total

Cost: 10 $SPIT

Disclaimer: We have a checklist to ensure this project is suitable for the marketplace, and they pass this checklist. However, please be careful, as Crypto/NFTs are extremely volatile and MAY lead to unexpected events. Even with our extensive checklist, it is still a possibility that bad actors can sneak by, so please make sure to do your own research. We are not responsible for anything once you receive a spot via this marketplace, and you will not have your $SPIT refunded (unless it is an immediate rug/drainer, or you're not able to mint on WL due to an error on their side excluding over-allocation).


Your wallet will be directly added to their contract.

You will NOT receive a role in their server :)!


We’re a stop-motion animation TV show leveraging existing IP that incentivizes community input and pays its holders for participation. Think of Celebrity Deathmatch but with digital identities.

The TV show we are creating holds a unique value proposition. It will be accessible by anyone, it will be for everyone, provides entertainment as well as governance that allows our holders to make decisions that will directly impact each episode. But most importantly, all revenue is shared with our holders 50/50, which means that you will be paid for watching our show and the more people watch it, whether by holders or non-holders, the more money in the form of residual payments our holders will make.




Supply: 8,888

Mint Date: TBD

WL Mint Price: TBD

Last updated